Pre- and post-spotting agent for wet- and grease-bound stains
Quickol solubilizes oil paint, nail polish, lipstick, tar, smear, ballpoint pen, felt pen, shoe polish, skin cream, grease, wax, carbon paper, medicine, mineral oil, mayonnaise, cod-liver oil and similar stains.
Apply Quickol on the stain and treat with a soft brush. In case of aged stains or stains difficult to remove, let react longer time. Then rinse with water or steam.
In general, Quickol, a product containing solvent, should be used on the post-spotting table only and rinsed with steam or water. For safety reasons, Quickol must never get into drycleaning machines operated with hydrocarbon or silicon solvents !
Do not use on coatings or laminations as this might cause damages !